Saturday, August 26, 2017


The August meeting was fun!  Lee showed us how to make a bag.  You can use the bag to take to Wal-Mart or wherever you shop and save on bringing home all those plastic bags.  Great program, Lee!  She gave away 3 kits to make a bag of your own.  Those who won, have you made your bag yet?
It was brought to my attention that we do not have posted on this site our meeting dates and times.  So, I will be adding that.  Thank you for making me aware of that.  I had not thought of that before.  Great idea!
Well, I really don't have much to say.  I don't have my notes with me from the meeting, so don't want to mess things up by posting something that is wrong.
Until next month!
Happy Sewing!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 2017

It's already the end of February!  I can't believe how fast this year is going.  We had a wonderful meeting last week.  Connie asked us to share why we quilt and our favorite tool or favorite quilt.  It was a great sharing experience.  Thank you, to all who shared. 
We had a lot of people finish their first UFO Challenge quilt!  Way to go, Ladies!  Those of you who did not get yours done, try to get the next one done.  Don't focus on what you didn't get done, look to the next one. 
Our UFO Projects Challenge is going strong, too.  We have several participating it that, too.  The first one is due next month.  I hope to see a lot of quilt tops done (because that is our goal, not the finished quilt).  I have mine done.  Wish I knew what the next one was so I could start working on it. 
I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather we have been having and I also hope you have not had this crazy illness that has been going around. 
Enjoy the rest of February!  Don't forget the Ozark Hills 12th Annual Shop Hop is next week, March 2, 3, & 4 2017.  Hope to see you then!
Happy Quilting!